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Monday, September 26, 2011

How to Retire in 10 Years or Less

Retirement has become a popular subject recently. When you understand the current situation, you'll understand why retirement is on the minds of so many people. Let's take a look at what's going on in the world today. There are approximately 79 million baby boomers and starting Jan. 1, 2008 every 7.7 seconds, a boomer will turn 60. Americans have seen 30% or more evaporate from their 401(k) plans due to the stock market meltdown. Social Security Trustees have admitted that the fund will be insolvent by 2017 because it will be paying out more than it receives. It will be depleted of funds by 2041. Medicare Trustees have reported that Medicare's Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will become insolvent by 2019.

The unemployment rate in the U.S. was 6.5% in October 2008 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Experts agree that this will be one of the deepest recessions in history. Maybe Barack Obama will be able to help solve these problems. We will need to wait and see.

Millions of people are not just thinking about retirement but actually doubt they can retire. People who would, and by all rights, should be retiring in the next ten years are postponing retirement because they have suffered through financial losses recently and can't afford to retire. The stock market meltdown exacerbated a serious financial condition for would-be retirees. High gas, food, healthcare costs have forced baby boomers to tap into savings in order to make ends meet over the last several years. The stress is causing medical issues and resulting in missed work, higher health care expenses, and depression.

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

When you say the words "Give Me Money" to yourself, you're tapping into a realm of your subconscious mind and asking it to figure out a way to give you money.

The purpose of this article is to help millions of Americans who are wanting to know what do to make money. You can earn money with the information your subconscious has stored away in its vault. If you are asking yourself "How can I earn money?", your subconscious may very well hold the answer.

Just say "Give me money" from your money-making machine that is inside of your brain repeatedly throughout the day.

Earning money is easy once you know the secrets and your subconscious mind can show them to you. Find out how to make money by just saying "Give me money" several times a day out loud to yourself.

You can put your trust in your subconscious mind. It is constantly working even when you are asleep. It will perform tasks that you command it to perform. Psychologists who study the subconscious have been amazed at its ability to provide answers to problems. The subconscious is a very powerful part of your brain and has untapped potential that you can harness in order to improve your life. Put your subconscious to work for you whether you want money, happiness, a relationship, better grades, a better job, a better physique, a better relationship with your family members or friends, etc.

For example, have you ever asked yourself "How can I make money?" And you have been looking for away to earn money from home. Your subconscious mind is an excellent resource to employ. It's fairly easy to get it searching for solutions for you. No matter what they are.

If you're wanting money, try this for kicks. Drink three tall glasses of water and then say out loud to your subconscious mind "give me money" each night before going to sleep. Also, make sure you have pen and paper next to your bed. Before you take that inevitable trip to the rest room, write down the details of your dreams with the pen and paper next to your bed. You will begin receiving information from your subconscious which is working faithfully each night to provide you with the answer you are looking for in order to earn money.

Before long, you will be saying to yourself, "give me more money". And do you know what? You will get it.

This content is provided by Suze Ortoman and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. Suze Ortoman is providing hope to Americans by helping people prosper financially and get on the path to becoming wealthy through home-based business and work at home opportunities. Visit for more information and tips.

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