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Monday, August 29, 2011

Wealth - Financial Independence

A vast number of the general population has acquired a fascination for wealth. Many spend their lives pursuing it. Some reach their destination, while others fall short of it. The fact of the matter is, wealth is very much attainable by those who desire it, plan for it and work towards it.

There are two types of people; Those who are content, and those who want more. Those who want more have reached the stage whereby they are tired of having money dictate to them. When your money is insufficient for your needs, it will dictate the very food you can eat and the type of clothes you can wear. This is financial slavery and many people are a custom to it.

Your past gave rise to your present. Where you are in your life today is based on decisions you've made in the past. If you're not wealthy and your desire is to be wealthy, then you need to set the ground work today for your future abundance. Stay away from the decisions of the past if they did not guide you to your financial freedom. It is a known fact that the biggest obstacle to wealth is ourselves. Simply put, our attitude. Many people want to be rich, but that's as far as they are willing to go. You cannot acquire wealth with a mere thought. Your thought needs action. Such actions will become the blueprint to your financial independence.

The day your need to be rich, becomes greater than your impulse to sit back and watch others walk into wealth, is the day you will take back the power that money has over you, and instead PUT MONEY TO WORK FOR YOU, dollar by dollar. Become the employer, and each dollar the employee. Seek out where and how to invest your money that will yield you the greatest return.

The purpose of money in our life, is to enrich our lives. Free us from debt and financial slavery. But in order for this to be a reality we need to change the way we view money. not living paycheck to paycheck, but rather steering your money in the direction that is conducive to a life style of financial independence. Start today. The longer you procrastinate, the further you are away from your dream. Change your position, hand over the reigns of a spectator, and become a player. Motivate yourself to move up from want and lack, into abundance.

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